Election 2020 - Downloadable Election Map

Hi friends!

Long time no speak! Things have been crazy around here as I’m sure they probably have been for y’all.

If you’re anything like me, you love data visualization. Election night can be very stressful but it’s always been therapeutic for me to keep track of the results in my own way. This year, I decided to make a map to color in as results come in and states are called. While things are expected to be a bit slower this year with a plethora of mail-in votes, I still thought it would be fun and relaxing (in maybe a weird way!) to keep track this way.

The document consists of two pages: the first page is the map and the second page has some relevant information and cites my sources.

Feel free to download this and share it with your friends! Use any colors you want and do whatever you’d like with the map - you don’t have to stay inside the lines or keep track of the election. If you want to just color, go for it! I hope everyone has a good day and good week. Things are rough right now so remember to breathe and do your best to practice compassion today, for yourself and for others.

Download the 2020 Election Map here.

Ariel Fink